Dear Juliette
The time has come, and you have gone from four wheels to two. You’re getting bigger and more confident, meaning you are keen to ride without training wheels. I must admit, it scares me. I picture you falling and your head cracking into the bitumen, and you crying. But after being told by Mum that you successfully rode a smaller bike sans-training wheels (despite using a barbed-wire fence to stop rather than the brakes) I figured I’d give it a go too.
Your bike here is larger than at home, so it’s taking a bit for you to get used to. Two weeks ago, late on Sunday, we took the bike up to the netball courts at Golden Grove and away you went. I told you to ride down the length of the car park, at which time you were to get off, walk the bike back around and ride back up again.
That happened – once. The second time you decided enough was enough and getting off the bike each time wasn’t going to cut it. Slowly but surely as you arrived at the end of the lot, you swung around and rode back up to me. I watched your face as you rode past – you were holding back a grin, trying not to smile, knowing that you thought you’d impressed me. You had.
Today, I took your bike to the shop to get the hand brake fixed so you could have more control. You were tentative at first, but before long had it down pat. You rode around, lap after lap, into and with the breeze until it was time to come home.
I learnt that it’s not just you that needs to build confidence – it’s me as well. It may sound like a small thing, but letting you “do your thing” and try for yourself is a hard thing to do. I can only imagine this will happen more and more, and never stop – hell, I’m sure Grandma and Granddad question many things I still do today.